Knöpfchen (Button) is 5/6 years old boy typical for a Romanian stray ~ Knöpfchen (Button) der arme Kerl ist wiedermal das typische Bild von Rumänien's Straßen.... es ist einfach unfassbar!
Was muss er wohl für Leid ertragen haben?....
And we realized he needed help.
Wie oft muss man einfach an dir vorbeigegangen sein, ohne dir zu helfen?...
Doch Knöpfchen ist jetzt in Sicherheit, wurde von seinem "Pelz" befreit und gleich kastriert.
Der mittelgroße Bub ist 5-6 Jahre alt.
Zu seinem Verhalten können wir in den nächsten Tagen mehr sagen, jetzt bekommt er mal seine wohlverdiente Ruhe, denn diese Last war sicher nicht einfach zu tragen, für den armen Bub.
We have today arranged for him to be collected him today and taken to Danyflor animal shelter
Yesterday was the start for this year of pet adoption fairs, organized under the motto "I also look good on a leash!", Will continue throughout this year and cats are also promoted on the side, from rescuers, even if the main hope is responsible adoption of shelter dogs.
13 february 2013. 2 years ago, to the day.
I went together with the NGOs from our city: Pet Hope Association, Speranta Animalelor Timisoara Association,Asociatia Micaela Association, Ecovet and Casa Cainelui were all present to the public shelter Danyflor.
and those images for some involved, faded from their minds after they saw reality
for some it meant go away as nothing happend, for others it meant, take out a few...
for me it meant raise awareness and try to help these dogs, and yes, the people who can't do more at the shelter, without help
Make a film with TV declarations and photos of my own, project it for the people:
make a photo expo on the walls with dogs I also took out with people I thought would care to help the remaining too
but no, not for the remaining, not from some, for some he matter, and he, didn't matter!
but he mattered to ME and he is still there, look in summer 2014
and look how well fed he is, he needs a diet - this photo is now, a few days ago, in a straw bed, is late winter/early spring, is still cold
What I am trying to say is not about Barney the little too fat white dog above, he has a name now, many of them do! Is about love, is about real love of dogs, of all dogs, breed or no breed, is about love of people, all people, good at rescue or in need of help to make proper rescue. Is about the shelter. The helpers. The animal loving people. Is about not even blaming the rest who couldn't do more, help more, or not at all help. Rescue is about what we did.
what happened here: building more outside kennels, abandoning inside kennels, having all dogs wormed, vaccinated and working on having them spayed, leash training for fun, combing hair, cutting nails, and more practical stuff: blankets and straw in winter, a lot of great food and medicine donated and making dogs happy, finding homes, like to say thank you, to my friends and team, Wienerfellnasen & Snoopy Rescue Uk, constant supporters for over a year as well as everyone else