Sunday, 18 January 2015

Lack of logic from the haters

In february at the start of last year (so 2014), our good people of DNF said NO to the city hall of Timisoara that demanded they put to sleep healthy dogs - that is not euthanasia is murder. The mayor didn't want to pay for more than 14 days for dogs to stay so DNF saying no started to take care of these dogs by themselves, this is how it got my attention that even if they were viewed so negative, there occured a change! For they could have killed all the dogs and take the money from the city hall... but they didn't... and end it with city hall until euthanasia became illegal in Romania, and not even only until that time.

This was posted upon request on our page in september, when someone asked if is there a paper about it. Please click to view full size:

Today, the same haters that suffer our support goes to DNF and not their illegal fosters, complain.

"Mai stiti toate acele event-uri pentru strangerea de hrana si bani pentru Danyflor, dupa incetarea contractului cu Primaria, plecandu-se de la afirmatia ca Primaria a emis decizii pentru toti cainii din DF, dar DF a hotarat sa nu ii omoare?Si cand se punea ca dovada o hartie cu un deget plasat foarte strategic? Ei, am primit raspunsul de la Primarie, numarul de decizii ( acel ultim numar de pe hartie) era numarul total de decizii emise pana in acel moment in 2014, nu la finalul contractului cu Primaria.Deci, unde e dovada ca s-au emid decizii pentru toti cainii din adapost?"

TRANSLATION "Do you remember all those event for food aid or support for Danyflor, after ending it with City Hall, starting from the statement that City hall had decisions of euthanasia for all DNF dogs but DNF decided not to kill them? And when it was posted a paper with a finger placed so strategic? Well, I finally got the answer from City hall, the number of decision ( that las number on the paper) was the total number of decisions until that time in 2014, not at the end of the contract with City hall. SO, where is the proof they issued decisions for all the dogs in shelter?"

PLEASE, google translate it yourself :)

EXCUSE ME YES, the contract lasted 2 more days and as in average 30 decisions were faxed at a time, they were not only 228 but more, but what is your point?

Yes, click image to view larger, so if you are a lawyer Lorena, surely you recieved a fax before, please have a guess, if the "strategic" finger hides anything when you can clearly read the text says the decisiones are attached and this is page 1 of 31, come on, how many were they? No one cut that top of the page, do you think that would have needed a genius not to frame that if anything was hidden?

SO more you also say the City hall replied to total amount was

289 at 28.02.2014

and I had 228 at 26.02.2014

so math 289-228=61

in 26.02 they sent 30,

so 27 another 30 and 28 another 30? or 31 pardon me

But even if your point is correct, you didn't lie or mistake, your conclusion ...may I say, surprised me!

"SO, where is the proof they issued decisions for all the dogs in shelter?"

and more, what??? you interpret what? how could you possibly interpret so:

Lorena Pirtea
Lorena Pirtea

will see on the next raport the number the dogs who are dead in DF.then will see the good medical condition and i have the proof that City Hall did not emited decision for killing all the dogs in DF it was ust a lie and now i have the proof

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